SITREP 22-01
Download the SITREP (PDF) via link below.
Yes you should start planning and reserving now! Thursday 13 October – Sunday 16 October.
The high-level concept of operations is as follows:
- Location: most operations centered on Mystic, CT
- Lodging: Rooms are going fast so reserve now – there are 10 other classes trying to book rooms.
- Budget: all prices are going up. We are trying to keep costs down.
- We absolutely want you all to attend.
- Schedule:
- Thursday 13 Oct:
- no host meet-up at a local drinking establishment (maybe Westerly or Mystic)
- Friday 14 Oct:
- AM: tour local area and CGA Alumni events on your own.
- PM: evening social. Location TBD. Budget $30 per person or less
- Saturday 15 Oct:
- AM: CGA events on your own.
- NOON: Tailgate – MacAlister Hall courtyard. Budget $30 per person or less
- GAME: March on
- PM: Class dinner. Location TBD. Budget $50 per person. This is the big event.
- Sunday 16 Oct:
- AM: class business meeting. Location TBD. Budget $0 (coffee/donuts)
- Thursday 13 Oct:
Action taken
Some of the Connecticut local folks have been working at the details. Big thanks to Sam and Karen Eisenbeiser for taking point this time around. We set up a Slack email group and had a couple conference calls.
– Chris Cieplik and Tim Opstrup looking into class apparel with custom logos and sizes
Future plans
Committee goal: lock down all venues and prices by May 1.
CGA Alumni will have a ticket sale page for Class of 1992 by July 1.
Action items
____ Make reservations for hotels!
____ Make travel arrangements to the Mystic, CT area
____ Spread the word to your friends. Don’t slash your classmates!
____ Start putting money away for events.
____ Bookmark the class web site: – this will be the central information hub.
____ Get involved if local – send us email
Email: (goes to Sam/Karen/Ed)
Many Mahalos (Thanks) to the CGA92 Committee and supporting staff of the CGA Alumni Office!!
Sam, Tim, among many others, I’m sure.
I am aware of the huge effort these events require & the disproportionate effort made by those CT/New England locals. I look forward to seeing you all!