Here’s SITREP #2 – venue descriptions and draft prices.
Fill out the marketing survey – help us get a good head count.
And please sign up for the mailing list if you haven’t already. This will be how we pass along updates.
- Schedule:
- Thursday 13 Oct: 6-9 pm The Jealous Monk – 27 Coogan Blvd Building #20, Mystic, CT
- This is an informal meet-up for anyone in the area on Thursday. Stop by when you can and stay as long as you like. The venue is a convivial place offering bratwurst, schnitzel and international brews with an adjoining bier garten.
- Casual attire, come as you are, free parking at the venue.
- No host
- Friday 14 Oct: 6-9 pm The Brazen Hen – 4 Canal St, Westerly, RI
- AM: tour local area and CGA Alumni events on your own.
- 6 PM: We have reserved private event space in a newly-renovated upscale Irish Pub in downtown Westerly, RI. This is the chance to catch up with classmates in a unique and welcoming setting. Appetizers & hors d’oeuvres. Cash bar. Attire: California casual
$40 per person.
- Saturday 15 Oct: Multiple events (see below)
- AM: CGA events on your own.
- 11am-1pm: Tailgate – MacAlister Hall Atrium.
Get ready for the game with sandwiches and drinks just before the class march-on. Beer will be provided. Attire: Class of ’92 Logo Gear.
$25 per person. - 1pm: GAME & March on.
- PM start TBD: Class dinner – Mystic Hilton Hotel – 20 Coogan Blvd, Mystic, CT.
Saturday’s Class Dinner is the highlight of every Homecoming Weekend. This is the big event! The sit-down dinner in Mystic Hilton’s Cutter Room will feature a presentation primarily of a nostalgic nature. Attire: Cocktail/Dressy Casual (Tie Optional)
$90 per person.
- Sunday 16 Oct:
- 10:30 am – 12 pm: class business meeting. Location TBD.
Budget $0 (committee buys breakfast)
Action taken
Some of the Connecticut local folks have been working at the details. Big thanks to Sam and Karen Eisenbeiser for taking point this time around. We set up a Slack email group and had a couple conference calls.
- Room blocks locked
- Alumni association will be handling reservations and payments through their web site. Class activities submitted to Alumni so they can create a page for us.
- Chris Cieplik and Tim Opstrup looking into class apparel with custom logos and sizes.